Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chronology (ch.)

One's family history is full of events.  Birth begins, and death ends these earthly events.  The genealogist seeks to organize and record these events for their own family.  It is a family chronology.   This theme deals with the measuring of time by regular divisions and that assigns these events to their proper dates.  A careful chronology is especially helpful in separating certain family groups when they cluster together along the tree branches.   Regular divisions by month, year, or even century [if you get back that far] is part of organizing the family story as it progressed through the pages of history.

The word chronology is coded (ch.).  Family time lines and events can be place in records that give a "big picture" of the family tree.  This theme will contain subjects like dates, events, documents and their organization into helpful forms that will aid the research into difficult surnames like JONES.  Anyone who has experience in forming a family chronology can place their own ideas in the comment section at the end of the posts coded (ch.).

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